Welcome To Josiah Ministries

Current Bible studies: Please click on any of the following Bible studies: Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God Walking in the Shadow of a Giant Slayer The Holy Spirit part 1 The Holy Spirit part II Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God part II Wearing The Armor Of God Tribute To My Mom Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God. part 3  Do You Know Who I Am> Now What? Child Like Fath / A Mustard seed of Faith Child Like Faith/A Mustard Seed Of Faith Part II   WHEN THE WELL IS DRY My Files Guest Book Blog

Who We Are




  We are born again servants of Jesus Christ. We believe that Jesus Christ is Gods' only son and he came to earth as a man and was crucified for our sins. By his death, burial and resurrection, we can have total forgiveness for all of our sins. As believers in Christ, we are called to a living relationship with him. The purpose of this site is to share Bible studies and materials to encourage growth in Christians. Part our goal is to encourage believers of Christ to experience the fullness of what God has for his children and fall in love with His word. (The Bible) This can only come as a result of time spent with our Lord and Savior. 

    Although only a child when he became King of Judah, Josiah brought tremendous reform and revival to Judah. In these times, the Church needs to return to the Lord completely and seek his face. God is not hiding, if we seek him we will find him.

(Psalm 63)


If you have any prayer requests, comments or questions please feel free to leave them in our guestbook or contact us by email at:    marty_g@josiah-ministries.com


Isaiah 65:1-2

      “I permitted Myself to be sought by those who did not ask for Me;

I permitted Myself to be found by those who did not seek Me.

I said, ‘Here am I, here am I,’

To a nation which did not call on My name.


“I have spread out My hands all day long to a rebellious people,

Who walk in the way which is not good, [fn]following their own thoughts,



      In my reading this week, I came across this passage. God is speaking to a backslider people who are living in rebellion. He is calling them back to Him. He is still revealing Himself to then to return. Even though they are not seeking Him, He is still waiting.

     In the lowest point of my back sliding, I was not seeking God. But there He was waiting for my return to Him. It wasn’t a sermon or song that drew me, but the Holy Spirit calling me home. 

     As we go through this season of Hanukkah, Christmas and New Years. I know that there are many friends, relatives and extended relatives who are not looking and may not want to hear the Gospel again, I wasn’t either. But when I looked up He was there. 

     Your prayers for them are powerful, don’t give up. 

I pray that you and your families have a blessed time and be at peace. In Christ, Marty


Letter To A Friend 


In Numbers 13 and 14, God has lead Israel to the edge of the promised land. Moses sent out 12 spies into the land that was flowing with milk and honey. When the 12 spies returned they reported of the greatness of this beautiful land. This is the land the god promised Israel, but with that report also came the report of the greatness of the people who dwelt in this land. 10 of the spies spoke of how little they were in comparison to the people. There is even the Nephilim, (desendents of angels) giants that dwelt in this land and they were afraid. But Joshua and Caleb knew that God would deliver them into their hands. All of Isreal had seen God do great works leading the people out of Egypt defeating all those who came against them in the wilderness.

Joshua, Caleb, Moses and Aaron believed that the same God who delivered them out of Egypt, would deliver them to the  promise land.  When the people of Israel heard the report of the 10 spies they picked up stones to kill Joshua, Moses, Aaron and Caleb.


This lack of trust Angered God and he would not allow them to enter the promised land. Joshua and Caleb pleased God with their faith and they saw that whole generation die off in the wilderness.

40 years later God chose Joshua to replace Moses and lead Israel into the promised land. Joshua and Caleb were over 80 years old but they trusted God to deliver the land into their hands. In the 40 years that Israel was in wilderness Joshua and Caleb never lost their faith. God rewarded them with long life and strength for their faith that they showed to all of Israel.

In Joshua 10, Israel is in the middle of conquering Canaan. Caleb went to Joshua and asked for the land of Hebron. In verse 10 Caleb says 


Now behold, the Lord has let me live, just as he spoke these 45 years, from the time that the Lord spoke this word to Moses. When Israel walked in the wilderness. And now behold I am 85 years old , today I am still as I was strong today the day Moses sent me. As my strength was it then, so my strength is now, for war and For going out you coming in”


Joshua gave Caleb and his family the land known as Hebron, the land of the Giants. He and his family then conquered all of them and took possession of this land

.God rewarded Joshua and Caleb's faith them with long Life and strength to enter into and conquer the promised land. There's no evidence that their faith ever wavered, they witnessed the whole generation die off because of their lack of faith and trust in God.

The New Testament lays out the foundation of the Church of Jesus Christ. We live in the time when the gospel of Jesus Christ has been compromised, the secular world is taking over the Church of Jesus Christ. But there is still a remnant of those who truly believe the Bible means what it says. They have not allowed a perverted gospel to take a hold of their lives. We don't have to improve the Bible, you don't have to water it down, we need to hold on to it as our truth. To the believer who will hold onto these truths, God has a reward of long life. 

A prayer that I pray frequently for myself and other people is “that their strength Will equal their days” There are many people who will come against those who trust in Lord, those who have been faithful from their youth and have not walked away from serving the Lord. Just as they tried to stone Moses, Caleb and Joshua they will come against you to discredit you and cast you off.

To you my friend, refuse what is been spoken to you or about you and hold onto the Scriptures. I don't believe that there his retirement for men and women who serve God. God will use them clear up until their last days.

I know that there is a day we will die and be with the Lord, My prayer is that the Lord Will carry us through and that the enemy not be able to steal the single day that has been ordained for us. For anyone who belongs to Jesus Christ, death is different. You close your eyes here on earth and open them in the presence of Jesus in Glory. In a place of unimaginable beauty, Praise God! When you give your life to Jesus, that is your destiny. 

Be blessed my friend and be at Peace. May God richly bless you with His presence.

Yours in Christ, Marty


For The Sake Of Our Testimony


     In the book of Ezra , Cyrus King of Persia made a declaration that the exiled Jews in Persia could return to their homeland. They had been living in exile for 70 years. When the Babylonians conquered Jerusalem they plundered and burned the temple. They destroyed the walls around Jerusalem and took the jews into exile. They carried away all of the gold, silver, precious stones and the gold and silver bowls and utensils from the temple and from Jerusalem, capital of Israel. 

     In his edict, The Persian King released all of the implements of the Temple, 650 talents of silver and 100 talents of gold. A talent is about 75 pounds by our weight. 75 of pounds gold today  would be worth over 2.4 million dollars at $2000 an ounce. The King gave them 750 pounds of gold. What was given was no small amount.

     The amazing generosity of the King was unimaginable as was the sheer volume of these treasures. The King had realized that the God of Israel was the one and only God, creator of the universe and he was releasing them back to their homeland.

     The people who were released to their homeland were not the mighty men of King David their former great King or King Solomon’s  great army from their past. They were husbands and wives with their children. They carried millions of dollars of treasure on their journey to their homeland. 

     In Ezra 8:21-22, Ezra called for a fast for safety on their journey. For he said in verse 22

    “For I was ashamed to request from the King troops and horsemen to protect us from the enemies on the way. For we had said to the King “ the hand of our God is favorably disposed to all who seek Him. But, His power and anger is against all those who forsake Him”

    The king knew the God of Israel as the one true God and that is why he was releasing them to their homeland. How would it look if God’s own people could not trust Him. What kind of testimony is that? Their ongoing testimony was important.

     In my own life, I have a testimony of God’s power. I have been healed of cancer, released from the partying lifestyle of alcoholism and smoking, divinely protected and provided for my whole life. I am set apart and empowered for God’s service. I am a changed and transformed believer of Jesus Christ!  People watch Christians to see if their testimony of Jesus Christ is real. 

     In the 40 days leading up to the Jewish fall festivals,Rosh HeShonah , Yom Kippur and Sukkot, it is a time of self evaluation and conviction of the Holy Spirit. When I first learned this I thought, I try to confess my sins ongoing and did not place much importance to the 40 days of repentance. Along with the 40 days was also reading a couple chapters from the  Psalms each day.

     This year, as the 40 days went on, I have been convicted of many things that have both hindered me and set a bad example to others around me.

     Conviction is different from condemnation. Conviction brings me to repentance and to ask God to forgive me, asking Him to strengthen me to change my ways. Condemnation holds the sin over my head telling me I am powerless to resist repeating.

     Ezra and the people fasted and prayed and the Lord protected them on their journey home. He protected them as they rebuilt the `Temple and  the walls of Jerusalem. What they accomplished was a testimony of their faith. 

     Over the years I have learned that since I gave my life fully to Jesus that I am being watched.  

     When is Marty going to fall off the wagon? was said or “When is he going to fail and his former ways return?” 

     My continued testimony is an example of my faith and that God is real in my life. My wife and I have seen many of our siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles come to Jesus. We have seen both of our parents come to the Lord and not leave this earth without Him. The Holy Spirit draws them and convicts them, He uses His children as examples to help bring them in.

     My testimony is a changed life, I am not the angry young man I once was. These past 40 days have brought many things to mind where I have been a bad  example, (words and actions)  As they have been revealed I confess and repent before God. 

     To those who have witnessed these things or I have hurt, I am sorry, Please forgive me. 

Like Ezra the Lord has been with me from the beginning, is with me now and will be with me until  the end. Let me tell you about my Jesus and what He has done. I am a changed man because of Him in my life, my life will never be the same. I pray that my example will testify of the salvation that only Jesus can bring.

     Like it or not, we as Christians are being watched by those around us. When we come to Christ, He loves us just as we are with all of our flaws, but He love us to much to leave us that way.

     I pray that all who read this will be drawn to Jesus in their lives. Be Blessed



Who’s in Charge?


           I had a dream recently, and in that dream the Lord took me through many decisions I had made in my youth. Many were about classes I had taken and why I chose them. Classes like trig, geometry, chemistry, Spanish and so on. For the most part I did not have good reason or explanation.  As I became an adult and returned to the Lord, I realized many of the decisions concerning ministry, were based on my personal likes, dislikes and my talents. I was usually drawn to what I was good at or what pleased me. I don’t remember ever asking the Lord what he wanted me to do, only asking Him to bless what I put my hands to. The Lord blessed me in that for a season and there was fruit. As time went on, The Lord started closing some of those doors, at the time I didn’t understand why and usually  resisted. My heart was to serve the Lord and liked what I was doing, but the doors were closed.

           I have known people who achieved their childhood dreams, but their lives ended up in disaster. I believe that God has a plan for all of His children (followers of Christ). I don’t know if I have ever seen a Church that disciples and mentors believers by what God would have them do. Instead they lean toward talent, appearance, personality and so on. 

           In my own life, the ministries that the Lord led me to were places of some of my greatest weaknesses and dislikes. I like to read, but not to write and research. The Lord put me in a place of teaching and discipling people that required me to study, research, being organized and able to teach. Why? Because it required me to depend upon Him to carry me through. I am not a person who likes to be touched or touch people physically or emotionally, so the Lord led me to a healing and prayer ministry, again because I have to rely on Him to carry me through.

           Through my youth and early adulthood , I don’t remember ever asking God what He wanted me to do. It was usually asking God to bless what I put my hands to. (my plans and desires) Because of this Gods plans for my ministry was delayed for many years.

           In the book of Acts,  the Holy Spirit revealed Gods’ plan and specific instruction for the Church, starting with Jesus telling the disciples to remain in Jerusalem until they had been endued with power. (Pentecost) These were exciting times for the Christian Church. I wonder what the modern Christian Church would look like if we sought more direction from the Holy Spirit in training and equipping disciples. Instead of looking at talent,  we asked God has His plan was for the person. Talents such as looks, musical abilities, speaking abilities… are not spiritual gifts, God can use them, but He often uses those without these so that we would depend more fully on Him.

           In America, I’ve heard people say “life, liberty and the pursuit happiness” And that seems to be prevalent in the modern Christian Church. Our focus is on our possessions, positions, hobbies, recreation, and our idols. (Sports, actors/actresses, musicians…) The early Church had none of that, their focus was on bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world, and that’s what they did. After Jesus ascended into heaven, the original disciples were in the upper room praying, breaking bread and studying the scriptures waiting for the promise of the Holy Spirit. They didn’t have focus groups, outlines and plans, they were waiting for the promise. It was only about 11 days when the Holy Spirit came. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and and went and turned the religious world upside down.

           In the Old Testament, God led His  people out of Egypt, in the wilderness, and into the promised land. In the New Testament, God led and equipped His people with His Holy Spirit to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. Preaching the Word with the power of Holy Spirit, followed by signs. gifts . Miracles and wonders. We don’t need to improve on that, we should follow their example. God “LED” his people period! In my experience I have not seen this happen in the modern Church. Instead of the Holy Spirit leading the Church, man is in charge. We have taken control and watered down the Gospel. Instead we teach people to preach with drama instead of allowing the Holy Spirit to fill His servants with His power and sending them out. 

         When I study end times in the scriptures, I believe we are nearing the end and Christs’ coming is soon. What would the Church look like if  we stopped pampering and entertaining the Church and sought the Lord for His calling on our lives asking the question “What would you have me to do Lord? What is the next step and your will for my life?”

         In recent times, we have been seeking the Lord for His direction for our lives. It is not easy waiting, but we want the Lords direction not my own best laid plans.Trying not to move forward without Him. I have not figured this out yet, but we are getting there, that’s what I am trying to do. 

         I have much to say about this subject and hope to write more about in the future as the Lord leads.

         May the Lord bless and keep you and give you His direction.

         Yours in Christ, Marty




      My reading included Psalm 78 this week. Psalm 78:70-72 has been one of my favorite passages for many years.

      “And He chose David HIs servant, and took him from the sheepfolds. From the care of ewes with suckling lambs He brought him to shepherd Jacob His people, and Israel His  inheritance. So he shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart and guided them with skillful hands.”

      These were some of King Davids qualifications to become King of Gods’ people, Israel 

      I have always skimmed through the first 69 verses this chapter to get to these verses. These verses tell of some of Israels shortcomings and downfalls, important, but I fast forward to the end,

 those verses were mine!

      I have always had a great deal of confidence in my own strength and  skills. And so did the archers of Ephraim, but in the day of battle. 

      The sons of Ephraim were archers equipped with bows, yet they turned their back in the day of battle.

“They forgot His deeds and His miracles God had shown them” vrs 10-11 


      Through many trials I have learned not to trust in my own strength, 


      “I will lift up my eyes to the mountains, from where shall my help come from? 

My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121, 1and 2


      The world tells me to rely on my own skills and education, but I have learned to remember the works of the Lord in my life, there is no other way.The men of Israel were great warriors when they were faithful and remembered the works of their God.

      When they were walking with God, they were a mighty army, when they forgot the works of God, the fled. That is what most Psalm 78 is about.

      When David spoke to King Saul before he picked a fight with Goliath, he told of how he had killed both lion and a bear and that the same God who carried him through those battles would give him victory over this “uncircumcised philistine”

      “Had it not been for the Lord who was on our side when men rose up against us, they would have swallowed us alive” Psalm 124:1-2

When you give your life to Jesus, He’s got you!

His Word promises us that He will carry us through everything. I don’t know you or what you’re going through but’

Let me tell you about my Jesus!

      “For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son, so that who soever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life” John 3:16

      Salvation is simple;

      Admit you are a sinner and can’t save yourself and you need a savior

      Believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and died to pay the price for all of your sins

      Commit your life to Jesus

      Confess Him as your Lord

      This is the beginning of your new life (born again)

      Run to Him and work out your relationship with Him


May the Lord bless and keep you and give you His peace

In Christ, Marty





Recently, a young woman named Ann Wilson wrote and released a song called “Let me tell you about my Jesus” It was written following a family tragedy and how Jesus carried her



         I spent my 10th birthday in the Standring hospital in Burian, Washington,  I had cancer when I was admitted into the hospital and when surgeons operated on me it was gone. All that was left in the tumors was a trace of cat scratch fever, THE CANCER CELLS WERE GONE! My mom told me the surgeons were in tears and that it would be entered into a medical journal as a miracle. My Grandma and her Pastor had prayed for me and asked for healing.

         The following summer at vacation Bible school at Boulevard Park Church I accepted Jesus into my heart. I wandered away from the Lord through much of Junior and Senior high school. I was married 2 weeks after graduation and our son was born 3 months later. By this time I was an alcoholic. When I was 23, Joan had left me. Alcohol was destroying my marriage. At that time I returned to the Lord who had healed and saved me and my marriage. (We just celebrated our 46th anniverery)  When the Lord made it clear I could not drink, I said “I couldn’t do that, if this was Him speaking, He had to deliver me from this, and HE DID!  No withdrawl  or anything. There was nothing to compel me to drink anymore. That was over 40 years ago and I am clean and sober to this day. I have been serving the Lord ever since.

        During my time away from the Lord, I know I hurt a lot of people, there are some I could never make it up to them except to say I am sorry. I pray that they would allow the Lord to do the same thing for you as He did for me.

        These are uncertain times we live in but I have Peace about Gods’ hand upon me and my family. The same God who led me through the last 40 plus years will carry me to the end. I’m writing this to encourage the wayward Christians to find their way back to the Jesus, He remains the the same and is still there for you! If you have never given your life to Jesus, ask and you will find Him.

                                                Nobody can tell me I’m wrong, because I know my Jesus and what He did for me! Hallelujah

                             Tell everyone your story of salvation, wether it be words or the evidence of a changed life. Your story is important.

Send me your stories and I will try to post them.




Yours In Christ, Marty







The Devil is a Bully


1st Samuel 17:43-51

The Philistine said to David “Come to me , and I will give  your flesh to the birds of the sky and the beasts of the field.”

Then David said to the Philistine “You come to me with a sword, a spear and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have taunted. This day the Lord will deliver you up into my hands, and I will strike you down and remove your head from you. And I will give the dead bodies of the army of the Philistines this day to the birds of the sky and the wild beasts of the earth, that all may know that there is a God in Israel. And that all this assembly may know that the Lord does not deliver nay sword or by spear. For the battle is the Lord’s and He will give you into our hands” 


Then it happened when the Philistine rose and came and drew near to meet David, that David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet the Philistine.

And David put his hand in his bag and took from it a stone and slung it, and struck the Philistine on his forehead, so that he fell on his face to the ground. 

Thus David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone, and he struck the Philistine and killed him. But there was no sword in David’s hand.

Then David ran and stood over the Philistine and drew his sword out of its sheath and killed him and cut off his head with it. When the Philistines that their champion was dead, they fled.


Goliath was probably used to nobody standing up to him, who in their right mind would dare challenge a soldier nearly ten feet tall? After taunting Israel nobody would meet him in battle until David showed up and introduced the Philistine to his God, the maker of universe. 

In recent times I have friends and family who have had a giant, cancer, COPD, covid, or demonic strongholds, and many other diseases stand in front of them and put a life expectancy  on them. The giants voice is loud and and boastful, he claims he speaks the facts. These Giants come to kill, steal and destroy. But we stand in the name of Jesus over them.

Jesus never met a sickness or disease he could not heal, He never met a demon he could not cast out. In John 14:11-15, Jesus tells us that we will do the things he did, believe it, walk in it and see what happens. We are called to have a relationship with Jesus, seek him and you will find Him.

I believe that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, lived a perfect life, was crucified, died, was buried and the Holy Spirit raised him from the dead to pay the price for my sins. I believe the Bible is the Word of God and is alive today, open it up and seek Him and you will find Him. The Apostles knew this and walked in these facts, we should too. When the Devil tempted Jesus on the mountain, Jesus used scripture to put the Devil in his place. We must know His Word and speak it when the devil comes in like a flood. Get into his Word and know it!

This is a battle, we must not submit to or give up. We are filled with the Holy Spirit. When ministering to the sick or demonized we must not give up or lose hope. 

        The Battle Belongs To The Lord!

Be blessed and never give up, never be afraid to ask your fellow Brother/Sisters in Christ for prayer when facing your giant.




Yesterday, while we were worshipping. The Holy Spirit reminded me of John 20:19


                                          When  it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and when the doors were shut where the disciples were., for fear of the Jews. Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them “Peace be with you”


     Today. because of the quarantine, the churches are empty. In many cases Church services are watched online or by some other means. Gods’ people still come together at home and Jesus is there.

                                           Matthew 28:20.   “ Teaching them to observe all that I commanded you, and lo I am with you always even to the end of time.”

     The Church of Jesus Christ is not confined within the walls of any building, it is where his people are. It can not be stopped by any laws or quarantine. In many countries; Russia, China, Iran and many others, Christianity is illegal or greatly hindered. But that doesn’t stop the Church.

                                       Don’t let it stop or hinder you. Just as the Church has always survived

                                       It will persevere through this times.

     I pray that through all of these hard times you will allow the Lord to carry you through them all. Allow him to heal and comfort you in these times.

                                       May the Lord who is able to do infinitely more than you could ever imagine give you peace and healing in these times.  Yours in Christ, Marty






   The definition of “LEGACY” is more directed toward something like an inheritance in the dictionary. In recent years I have heard that word used a lot concerning leaders, positions, money, buildings, prestige, etc. some of these might be good, but many are stirring pride and arrogance. This word is not found in the Bible.

     In my family, I don’t think there is very much of my grandparent’s estates left, maybe a few pieces here and there. My wife’s family is from an Indian tribe which gave land to their members. The land is mostly gone and did not benefit any of them. If your legacy is just a physical or material item, it can be lost and forgotten.

     My grandmother was a godly woman, whose life was a testimony of Jesus Christ. She had enough love for all of her ten children, forty-two grandchildren, and her many great grandchildren. I saw that same love in my mom as well, as with many of her siblings and their spouses. I see it in many of my cousins and their families. Years down the road my grandma’s name may be forgotten, but what she has instilled in her offspring will still be here.

    My mother-in-law recently went to be with the Lord. As I thought about her life, she had a family who loved her and more friends the anyone I know. I believe part of this is because she was a servant. She served at NW Church for many years. She came in on Saturday afternoons and helped assemble the bulletins. During those years she was a part of serving at the memorial services. She helped set up, serve, and clean up afterwards. Most people who attended that church were touched by her service. She sat with, prayed with and walked alongside of the sick and dying. In recent years her pastor would give her names and she would make and send cards of encouragement and Scriptures to encourage them. She didn’t have a title, a building, or a great reputation to be remembered. To those who knew her or were touched by her she was just a servant of God.

     In Matthew 20:25-28, Jesus contrasted the Gentile leaders who lorded over the people to Himself, “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many.”

     In Luke 6:40, “A pupil is not above his teacher, but everyone, after he has been fully trained, will be like his teacher.”

In Jesus’s eyes it is a great honor to be called a SERVANT


     In the modern church the word “LEGACY” is used frequently, most of the time to describe things that can be seen., such as authority, position, great wealth,  a building, a congregation…etc. Jesus Christ did not leave a building or riches. He came as a servant. He calls us to be the same. When you are serving, the world may not know your name or position, but the people you touch will know and glorify God. In the end our goal should be to hear the Lord say, “Well done My good and faithful servant. Enter into your rest.”

As a Christian, I pray that my life would be a testimony of bringing Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world. That I would disappear and Jesus would be glorified. Jesus Christ did not pass on riches and physical material when he died.

 He brought eternal life in heaven with him to a dying world. He paid the price the price for our sins.

He was punished that we might be forgiven

He  was wounded that we might be healed

He died our death that we might receive his life

He was made a curse that we might enter into his blessing

He endured our poverty that we might share in his abundance

He bore our shame that we might share in his glory

He endured our rejection that we might have acceptance with the Father

He was cut off in death that we might be joined with God eternally


I pray that the Lord will bless and keep you in these times and that you would make Jesus your Lord and savior.  Marty

What Are We Doing As The Bridegroom Delays?


    In Matthew 25:1-13 we read about 10 virgins, five foolish and five prudent. I understand this to be a picture of the Christian church. All of them look like Christians, I don't believe they were nonbelievers. When the bridegroom (Jesus) delayed they fell asleep. When the Bridegroom came only five were ready. What happened to the other five that they were not ready? This is a serious matter because the door was shut.(vs 10-12) The passage gives no indication the door would be reopened later. There're those who believe that it will be reopened later, but I don't see any evidence of that in these verses. I would rather have people be safe than be sorry. There's too much at stake to take a chance, Heaven or Hell.

    After 9/11 many Americans rushed to the church, they were afraid. I believe that God had removed part of his protective hand off of our country and allowed the enemy, Satan to attack us. Many peoples eyes were opened to an enemy that was out to destroy us. In the years following I saw many people around us have their eyes opened and come to the Lord.

    Sixteen years later I see the church as the 10 virgins, they found Jesus and gave their lives to him. Jesus brought in peace and salvation. He healed, delivered and shepherded them. The Bridegroom has delayed. Where are they now?

    In the years following, the Lord really got a hold of our lives. We have been healed, delivered and set apart for the Lord’s service. We have sought a relationship with Jesus, He ass given us a hunger and thirst for a deeper relationship with Him. We are in a place where we can't get enough of Him. This only came through seeking and persisting in this walk.

Where are the others? The foolish virgins, in times of trouble and uncertainty people are drawn to the church for comfort, security and an encouraging word. When the church gathers these people in and doesn’t get them firmly grounded in the word of God and disciple these people, they tend to drift away when there is no immediate threat. The idols of this world takeover and steal these believers away.

    What is important to these five foolish virgins?

    They seem to gravitate to the idols of this world, prosperity, their favorite sports team, vacations, hobbies etc.

    What should they be doing?

    We are called to be servants of Jesus Christ, they should be prepared to walk in their calling. The church should always walk in the awareness of the fact that if someone dies without Jesus, they go to hell. In John 14:6 “Jesus says I am the way, the truth and the life no man comes to the father but by Me.” Could Jesus make it any clearer? 

    There are two kingdoms, the kingdom of this world which Satan rules, and the kingdom of God. (Jesus) Only Jesus can bring you to heaven, you can't make it on your own. Christian bookstores are filled with self-help books driven by psychology to fix you. But that is man trying to fix man. Many of these teachers sounds good, but they fall short and will fail in the end. The Bible, Gods’ word is the only reference book we need to lead us to God.

    I learned this saying many years ago, “If you polish a turd, it's still a turd” These books can make us look better and feel better but inside we're still a mess. When we come to Jesus, we are leaving the kingdom of this world and entering the Kingdom of God. True conversion means that we are changed, we cannot take our old idols with us. Our eyes should be focused on Jesus and his Gospel instead of entertainment. We should be laying the foundation of Christ in ourselves and all who God brings to us. He can deliver us from all our troubles and bring us to heaven to live eternally with him.

    This parable should wake up every Pastors/Leader in the Christian Church. If the virgins represent the church of Jesus Christ, it says a 50% of their members are not going to make it to heaven. 

    James 3:1 Says “Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we will incur a stricter judgment.” If we accept the call of leadership in the Christian church we are held to a higher standard. We are expected to bring the full gospel to those whom God entrusts us with. I pray that when I stand before God that I can say that I brought an uncompromising gospel to all I ministered to.

    Matthew 18:12 “ Jesus says the good Shepherd leaves the 99 and seeks out the one who has strayed.” I believe as one who is called into leadership in the Christian Church, we have the same expectation on us.

    Simply put, when we leave this earth, it's either heaven or hell. The original Church didn't have hobbies, sports teams, television or other idols to distract them. They didn't have bookstores full of self help books. They had Jesus. The furtherance of the gospel was what ruled their lives.

    There are many opinions about what happens when the doors closed, but the simplest is that it is closed with no evidence that it will be reopened. This should wake up every pastor/leader in the Christian church in regards to the state of their congregations.

    Over the years, I have seen many people come to Jesus. I’ve witnessed the Lord do great things through them. But I have also watched many wander off while the Lord has delayed. Little by little the enemy has drawn them back into his kingdom through the idols of this world, such as TV, prosperity, sports teams, entertainment, idolatry and compromising the Bible. It didn’t happen suddenly, it happened a little at a time. I encourage you to allow the Holy Spirit to examine you and your life in Christ. What you do with what He shows you is between you and Him .We never know when our last day is, my wish is that you be found in the Lords’ will for your life.




Pursuing Freedom

Part 1

     The Scriptures hold some great promises for Christians. Paul tells the Corinthians to seek the greater gifts. In James it says “you have not because you asked not and when you do ask you have selfish motives.” James 4:2-3

     My desire is to serve the Lord, to see people saved and set free from sin, to see them have a solid foundation and be equipped for service to the Lord. With that in mind, last year I asked God for the gift of discerning of spirits. As the year progressed, the Holy Spirit showed me spirits of porn, lust, witchcraft and others. As I prayed about what I saw the Lord confirmed what I saw and even gave me an opportunity to pray with some of these people. I didn't seek these people out, they came to me for prayer. If you are driven by these things getting free is not complicated. We start where it started (the place of temptation or where the door was opened to sin), confess and repent and cut off the ties to the sins. We, (Spirit filled Christians) through the power of the Holy Spirit have authority to remove these. Unfortunately if we refuse to come out of the place(s) that lead to sin, they cannot get free. This was the case in some that I have prayed for.

     When the Holy Spirit revealed to me that I was an alcoholic, I repented and asked him to take it away and he did. I had tried and could not do this on my own. That which compelled me to drink was gone. My part was to not allow alcohol back into my life. The Lord set me completely free I had no withdrawal nor desire to ever drink again.

     I have seen men set free from lust and porn only to have them return for prayer a year later for the same thing. Being free involves cutting all ties and not holding onto any of it. If you keep going back to the places of temptation, you'll be fighting an uphill battle to be free or to remain free. Examine yourself and see if this is you.

     As a man of God I have found that there're places I cannot go. Years ago I went to a waterpark and what I saw there easily brought me into temptation.(lust) Not too many years ago I took my grandson to a local lake, I found that when you have a nearly naked girl standing in front of you, you will probably look at her. These are places that I cannot go. The brothers I mentioned earlier got freedom from lust, but insisted on going back to the place of temptation (for them it was the gym) and eventually fell back into sin.

     As Christians, if there're places that can cause you to stumble physically or spiritually, don’t go there,  stay out of there. 

     Jesus said" if your hand causes you to stumble cut it off" Mark 9:43-48

     There are some I have seen receive prayer who are only there because they had been caught in their sin. There was no true Holy Spirit conviction, they're just going through the motions. To those around them it appeared as if they had done what they needed to do. Only with true repentance before the Lord will freedom come. Without that repentance, these men chose to stay in their sin. Things may appear better for a while, but the root is still there and will eventually resurface. 

     The world teaches us that we have a right to entertain ourselves (physically and emotionally) that we need these things to stimulate us and have fun. Many of these things can lead us into sin, we have to cut them off. If we try and carry them into the kingdom of God they will causes us to fall. Many think that life would be boring without these things in our lives.

     The more I give up (the world with its’ sin and idols) the more God can use me without my sin holding me back. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, all of us have incredible potential. When we give it all to God He can and will use the weak things of this world to confound the wise. The same spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead is in me equipping me for every good work and service to the Lord. There is a calling on every Christians life, our part this to say to the Lord “What would you have me do?”

    God will not ask us to do anything without giving us his power to work it out. God would not send this anywhere without empowering us to do what he's calling us to do.

     When Jesus found me I, I was an alcoholic with a whole lot of emotional problems. He loved me that way, just as I was. But, He loved me too much to leave me that way, he set me free.

     Getting free from the sin that entangles us is an important part of our walk and relationship with the Lord. 

     I don’t mean to over simplify getting free, it does take work. Sometimes it takes having our Christian family help. But there is victory to be had. The Lord willing I hope to write more on this soon. 

     The Lord bless and keep you, In Christ, Marty





Matthew 22:36-37.   Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law? And He said to them, “you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,  and with all your soul, and with all your mind.”


How do I love the Lord our God with all my heart, soul and all of my mind?

Using a host of reference material you can arrive it is theologically correct definition of heart, soul and mind. But that doesn't answer my question, I don't want mere definitions I want to be able to keep this commandment

Heart—— the personality of my affections and emotions

Soul—— my mind, will and emotions

Mind ——my thoughts and intellect

  My heart shows my emotions and affections toward something or someone. It is not just words that I speak. Using Jesus is my example, His actions showed His heart for the people, sometimes it was in healing, casting out demons, feeding the hungry, performing miracles, teaching and many more things. His actions spoke more than just saying the words “I love you” in fact His love was so great that He would die for them. Is my love of God that great that I would die for him.

The word soul, is your mind, your will and your emotions. that's everything, have I given everything to God

Mind is my thoughts or intellect. Is my mindset on the things from above? Jesus said, “I only do what I see the Father in heaven doing” (John 5:19-20) He's speaking of His whole life, where He went, what He said, healing deliverance, and so on. I must set my mind on the things of God. That means developing a relationship with Him, spending time in worship, prayer and His Word the Bible. The result of this will be a stronger, closer walk with the Lord. It will set you free

We should expect that this is an ever increasing relationship with the Lord. You'll find yourself capable of greater love for God and others, more than you have ever experienced. If you seek Him and you will find Him. Time spent with the Lord is not wasted, you get out only what you're willing to put into your relationship with Him. If your relationship is nothing more than a couple minutes in the morning and a couple quick prayers during the day what kind of relationship will you have? If this is all my wife and I had we wouldn't have a very close relationship together.

With my mind. Part of giving your life fully to Jesus has to be the acceptance of who Jesus is and the authority of the Bible. In John 14 Jesus says he is the only way to the father. I accept this and I know for sure there is no other way, if you struggle with this ask God to show you the truth in this statement in His word, the Bible. When the Lord opens your eyes to this and you walk in this, the enemy will not deceive you.

     For 15 years, we have been a part of various prayer ministries, intercession, deliverance, working of miracles. We have experienced first-hand the lords answers to prayer. The most disturbing thing I am seeing in those we minister to has been the lack of an ongoing relationship with God, or how superficial their relationship is with God in the people that we pray for. Being firmly grounded in a relationship with the Lord is what keeps us on the straight and narrow path. His answers to prayer should draw us to Him, without that, we are hindered.

     When we love the Lord with all of our heart, soul and mind, our lives change and our will to pursue Him. We no longer follow our whims or have to guess what is Gods’ will and where he is leading us. 

When Israel was in the wilderness, they were no longer slaves to the Egyptians, God was now in charge. God had set them free to follow and worship Him. He wanted to provide for and lead his people. God's desire was to speak directly to his people, instead they insisted that Moses be their spokesman. It was not His will or desire that they be led by Governors or kings, He wanted their hearts. At Pentecost God gave his people, the Church His Holy Spirit, the helper. His desire is still that He would he lead us. Now He is giving us a way to come to His throne by the blood of Jesus Christ. Loving God with all our heart soul and mind means that we are willing to put aside all of the idols and distractions of this world and make Jesus the center of our life. 

     1st Corinthians 1:7 So that you are not lacking in any gift, awaiting eagerly that the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ. This says to me, that we have been given everything (not lacking) we need in Jesus to walk out this Christian life. God is asking for everything, when we pursue Him, we will find him.

     This is just a beginning, it will become a life long pursuit if we will seek Him. I hope you find encouragement in this. 

     In Christ, Marty 


                    The Lord Never Left Me


I’ve heard people say “I was lost and the Lord found me” That may be true for some, but for me, The Lord was always there, I chose not to see him. When I felt alone growing up, he was there, I chose not to see him. There were times I was driving drunk or high and had no thought of his presence, He was there keeping me from disaster, I didn’t see him. When my marriage was being destroyed by alcohol, I finally saw Him. I knew Him as a child, but had walked away from Him. 

    In Luke 15:11-32, the young man(me or you) took his inheritance and walked away from his father(God) and squandered it on wild ungodly living, the Father was with him even though he couldn’t see him. I’m certain that the Father was always calling him home. But he needed to reach the end of himself and lift up his head and realize it was time to go home. In all my rebellion and wildness, there were many people the Lord had sent me His people to call me home but I refused to listen to them. I had tried from time to time to go back to church, but never felt like I fit in. The problem with that was, it was God who was calling me, not the church. This was between me and God. Regardless of What I had seen or experienced I had to come to the end of myself and return to the Lord. 

    Nobody forced me to walk where I was walking or deceived me to rebel, it was my decision. I know of many people who walked the same path I have, thinking that God has abandoned them, or that it would be too hard or too late to return to him. That’s not true at all. The Lord has been with you every step of the way calling to you. In our society there are so many ways to fall away, but in all of them Jesus is with you calling you to come home. To those who never knew him, he is calling you as well. 

John 14:6 Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father but through Me”.

  In a world with so many broken people, Jesus is the answer. All of my attempts to fix myself didn’t work. If man could fix himself, we would not have many of the problems we have in our society. Every person is going to stand before God and give an account  for there lives, are you ready? There is one God and only one way to reach him It’s only through accepting Jesus as your Savior. 

    I believe that God has a plan for every person. It’s his will that all are saved, it’s up to us to seek him. That plan was laid out before we were even born. In the same way Satan has a plan for us too. He wants to destroy you! The end result from Satan’s plan is eternal destruction in hell. Make no mistake, we are not in control of our own destinies. There is only the Kingdom of God, (Only Jesus can bring you there) or the kingdom of this world (Satan’s) which leads to death and destruction.

    John 3:16-17, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him will not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through him” I pray that whoever reads these words will seek Jesus, he is there waiting for you.

When we give our lives to Jesus, it is much more than just words and lip service. We must leave the kingdom of this world which Satan rules and come to the kingdom of God which Jesus rules. You cannot take your old life with you. You don’t have to do this alone, if Jesus has called us to leave your old self and sinful behavior behind, he will deliver you out them.

There is a great battle going on all around us, God vs Satan. God has not called to be entertained and pampered. We are set apart, equipped, empowered, gifted for service to the Kingdom of God.(Jesus)

    Do you have unsaved people around you? (family, friends, coworkers, etc.) 

    The chances are you are going to play a part in bringing the Gospel to them. By your example, by prayer or even speaking to them. We are called as servants of Jesus Christ to do this. God chooses his Church to proclaim the Gospel to a dying world.

    To those who have strayed, return to Jesus. To those sitting on the fence, come to Jesus. To those who never knew Him, come to Jesus. Don’t wait, Jesus is waiting. 

    When the master returns, I want to be found doing the Master’s will and here Him say “well done good and faithful servant, enter into your rest”

I pray that you would see the Lord right where you are at. Be Blessed






“Son of Man, Can These Bones Live?"


     As Ezekiel looked at the valley filled with dry bones and walked through them and around them, the Lord asked him this question, “Son of man, can these bones live?” Ezekiel answered, “Oh Lord God, You know.” If Ezekiel had been a man of this world or living in his flesh and didn’t know God’s great power, he probably would have said, “They are dead and will always be that way.”  But he knew the God he served and his answer reflected that. “Oh Lord God, You know.”

     Ezekiel prophesied as the Lord told him, and the bones came together completely, with flesh and skin The Lord told him to prophesy again and the Lord breathed on them and they came to life

     The vision is then explained. The dry bones are the whole house of Israel. At that time Israel was in a place of judgment because of their rebellion against God. By His power, God was going to restore Israel to their own land, united as one nation. Only God could do this. God was going to transform them from hopelessly dead to complete restoration as the Sprit breathed on captive Israel.

     Many see the Church today as the same lifeless dry bones that Ezekiel saw. In many cases the Churches are just as dead. I heard it said, “The Holy Spirit could leave many churches today and it would take months for them to even notice Him missing. Some might not notice Him missing at all.”

     If we were told to prophesy over these dead congregations, I can hear them say, “Get a book….Find a program…..Bring in a famous speaker or entertainer.” The dead church is a spiritual issue. It got this way because of rebellion against God and His Word, because of sin and compromise, and not willing to walk in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The enemy has crept in and we did not recognize him.

     If God were to say to us, “Prophesy over these dead bones (our Churches)”, would we do it? The Holy Spirit stirred the bones to come together and breathed life into them. Could we stand back and allow Him to convict and resurrect these dead bones?

     Apart from the Bible, there is no book that brings life. There is no program that can restore. There is no motivational speaker or entertainer that can bring life. In the book of Acts, we don’t see any of this. We see the Gospel preached under the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit. Following the Biblical example is the only way it will work. Only by the Church returning to God and His Word and allowing God to rule our Church can this happen.

     It is God’s desire for His Church to return to Him just as captive Israel was restored. It’s one of those prayers that God is waiting to answer. What will it be? Will we repent and return to God with all of our hearts or will we continue to walk in the way of dead works and dead programs?

     I’ve seen many congregations that resemble old dry bones, with little or no evidence of the Spirit of God dwelling there. I know that my God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth is able to breathe life and restore His bride (the Church). Our part is to repent from living apart from Him and for our sins, and return to Him with all of our heart. In Christ, Marty


Do You Know Who I Am?


I Samuel 17: 45 Then said David to the Philistine, You come to me with a sword, a spear, and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the ranks of Israel, Whom you have defied.

46 This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will smite you and cut off your head. And I will give the corpses of the army of the Philistines this day to the birds of the air and the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel.

47 And all this assembly shall know that the Lord saves not with sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord’s, and He will give you into our hands.


            When David stood before the giant, he knew that the same Lord who delivered him from the lion and the bear would deliver him from the Goliath.


      I Samuel 16: 13 Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed David in the midst of his brothers; and the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David from that day forward. And Samuel arose and went to Ramah.


            After David was mightily” filled with the Holy Spirit, he went back to his profession as a shepherd. During that time, I believe he was being prepared for service. He knew that the Lord would never leave him or forsake him. During this time and his time running from Saul, he met the Lord intimately and began to know him as Lord over all things.

         As you read on, David’s victories became more known.

         I Samuel 18:7The women sang as they played, and said,

   “Saul has slain his thousands,

        And David his ten thousands.”

After David was installed as King, His reputation became known to his enemies as well. Later during David’s reign they enjoyed a season of peace. This reputation continued even through Solomon’s reign. Their enemies knew that they were not a match for the God of Israel.


           During Jesus’ ministry years, the enemy recognized Jesus and knew that they had no choice but to submit to him. Demons fled, the crippled were restored, the dead were raised, diseases were cured. Even Legion and his thousands of demons had to submit to Jesus’ authority. There was not any task too great for Jesus. Before Jesus ascended and was received into heaven, he told the disciples to wait in Jerusalem and they would be empowered from on high. On the day of Pentecost, The Holy Spirit was poured out on the disciples, as Peter preached thousands were saved. In the times to follow, thousands more were saved as signs and wonders were being performed through the believers. In Acts 19, the seven sons of Sceva tried to use the name of Jesus whom Paul preached. The demon replied”Jesus I know, Paul I know, but who are you”. Read the 14th chapter of John. Only those who belong to Jesus can use the name of Jesus with the same results that Jesus and the early church had.


            John 14:12 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.

            Either Jesus meant what he said or he didn’t. If we set this verse as our ultimate goal and standard, our lives would look a lot different. I have had it explained to me that this was only for the early Church, but the verses used did not add up to me, But what I do know is this; The same spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead is in me and empowers me to carry out his work here on earth. Why would God remove this power from his church? We face the same enemy as what the Church faced in the book of Acts. When I stand before this enemy, I want him to know that the Spirit of the living God fills and empowers me. And that in the name of Jesus Christ I have authority over him. When the enemy attacks me, what does he see? Does he see me as a servant of the living Christ? Filled with the Spirit of God. Walking in faith and victory?

            Can you picture Jesus in the storm, saying calmly “peace be still”? Can you picture Jesus taking the little girl by the hand and say,”Little girl I say to you arise” Can you see him standing before Lazarus’s open tomb saying “Lazarus come forth” Read this verse again

            John 14:12“Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.

            This is not about memorizing prayers or speaking verses at the enemy. It is about knowing and walking in the authority that Christ has given his Church. When we walk in the fullness of what he calls us to, we have the capacity to live out this verse. In recent years, we have witnessed Jesus save, heal and deliver many people through his servants. These ministers were not show offs or snake oil salesmen. They are just servants of Christ who are beginning to walk in their God given authority. This is just the beginning of what Jesus has for his servants.

            I don’t want to convince you that this is true; I believe that if you will seek him you will find him. He will show you what is true through your seeking. There are whole books, seminars, and many teachings written on this subject. I have received some great instruction and teaching, but there is no substitution for picking up God’s and reading what God says about it. Without spending time before the Lord in prayer, communication and worship you are not fully equipped to stand against an enemy who is seeking to destroy you.

            When you stand before the enemy, Does he know who you are?

            Just as this is an ongoing battle, I hope to continue to bring encouragement to you all in the coming months. As always, may the Lord bless and keep you and make his face to shine upon you and give you peace. In Christ, Josiah-Ministries













You Are Not Alone In This Battle. If you have any prayer requests, leave them on our blog or email them to us. We would be honored to pray for you.

As you read through I and II KIngs and Chronicles. you can see that because of Israel's rebellion, judgment is unavoidable. There were a few Godly Kings, but overall things did not look good for Isreal or Judah. King Josiah was only 8 years old when he became King. His heart was right before the Lord and he began going through the land destroying the idols and their alters.  I believe that Josiahs' obedience touched the heart of God and judgment was delayed 31 years while he was King.

The sins of our land are increasing and it would appear that judgment is unavoidable. But I believe that if the true remnant of God's people would humble ourselves, repent and pray, that God would look at our hearts and postpone judgment. Whether Christ return sooner or later, I pray that when He returns, he will find me doing my Fathers' business. The early church expected Christ to return in their lifetime. We should serve the Lord with that same mindset. I pray that these studies will encourage you to seek the Lord all the more as you see his return is near.

What brought us here

We have been serving the Lord for over 25 years. We have worked in childrens ministry, youth, street ministry, worship, preaching/teaching and most recently we are part the prayer team for Flames of Fire Healing ministry. Our desire is to encourage all we meet to push themselves to draw nearer to God. I have found that the best way is to seek Gods face. There is no shortcut, it only comes by time spent with the Lord.(reading the Bible, prayer, worship and some times just sitting before him. We hope that these materials will encourage you to go on further in your walk with the Lord. As we post lessons, feel free to email us with questions.


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